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Kindergarten Information Night

For incoming Kindergarten parents, we would like to invite your family to our Kindergarten Information Night on April 24th in the CVS library from 6:00 - 7:00 pm. We will be going over some tips on preparing your child for their first school year. Along with meeting our Kindergarten teacher, we will be hearing from our administration, resource teacher, guidance counselor and speech language pathologist. Further information for our Ready, Set, Go Kindergarten event in June will also be discussed. Looking forward to seeing you on April 24th. If you have any questions, please contact the school. #kindergartenreadiness

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Division Notice

Buses Not Running - Wednesday, December 4

All PLPSD buses, including in-town bus routes and shuttles, will not run on Wednesday, December 4, 2024. Hutterian and Oakville schools are closed, and all schools in the City of Portage la Prairie are open.