
School Procedures and Policies

Lates and Absences

  1. Parents should contact the school by phone (857-3475), email your child's teacher or the office ladies,  or note if their child is going to be away.
  2. Without parental authorization a student may not leave the school.
  3. Students in Grades K-4 who must leave school early shall be picked up in the school by a parent or guardian. If anyone else is to pick up the child, the school must be notified.

Student Illness

From time to time, a child will become ill at school. When this happens, students are sent to rest in a small room at the back of the office. If the child's condition does not improve, the parents will be contacted and arrangements will be made to have the child go home. (MB Safe Schools Protocols in place at this time)

Leaving School Early

If a student must leave during school hours, a note should be sent by the parents outlining the reason for the departure and the time the student is to leave. Parents could also choose to phone the school to let the office personnel know the details

School Division Policy on Absenteeism

  1. All student absences must be accounted for by the parent or guardian. A phone call or note directed to the teacher or office is required at the beginning of the absence. When appropriate, the teacher may send work home.
  2. Explanations of student absenteeism must include:
    1. the date
    2. the reason for the absence
    3. if in written form, the signature of the parent or guardian.
  3. Unexplained student absences, chronic tardiness and cases of truancy will result in a home contact by the teacher or principal/vice-principal. Such contacts are made to discuss the situation and seek support to resolve the issue. Truancy cases may be referred to the School Counsellor, School Division Attendance Officer, Superintendent's Department, Child and Family Services, etc.)
  4. Parents of students who are required to be absent due to chronic medical conditions or ongoing medical treatments shall make the necessary arrangements with the principal.
  5. Arrangements for family holidays, camps etc. during the school year should take into account school schedules. Parents are expected to discuss planned family activities that take place during school with their child's teacher at least one week prior to the start of the activity.

Noon Hour

Students residing within reasonable walking distance of their school are expected to return home for the noon break.

The school shall provide supervision for all students who remain for lunch. Students will remain in their classrooms for lunch. Supervision will be provided by Educational Assistants each day.

The principal shall have the authority to take away lunch hour privileges of students who do not follow the lunch hour behaviour expectations.

Generally, Grades K - 4 students will go outdoors after lunch unless they have a scheduled activity. Staff on duty shall supervise the playground and the front lobby area.


No food or beverages other than water are allowed outside during recess. All snacks/drinks must be consumed in the school.

School Week

All schools in the Portage School Division operate on a six-day cycle. A calendar which includes the school day cycle is attached to our monthly newsletter. The radio station CFRY announces the school day each morning (between 7 - 8 a.m.)

Newsletter and Calendar

A newsletter will be emailed the first week of each month. It will also include a calendar of upcoming events in the school. It will also be posted on the website.

Professional Development, Administration and Student Involved Conference Days

Of the two hundred school days, the Department of Education has designated ten school days that can be used for professional development, administration and student involved conferences. These days will be noted on the calendar that accompanies the newsletter. Students will not be attending school on these days.

Student Dress

Any gang related insignia is not allowed. Gang-related insignia includes any article of clothing, jewelry, or other similar item that is intended to communicate an association with a gang or gang-related activity. (See policy Policy JBFA.)

Student Property

Students are responsible for their personal property. Care should be taken to ensure that valuables are protected from accidental or intentional loss. Students should not carry large sums of money on their person.

School Lockers

All student lockers are the property of the Portage la Prairie School Division No. 24 and are made available for students use at no cost. The use of locks is not required or recommended at our grade levels.

School Office

There is someone available in the office from 8:15 a.m. until 4:15 daily for parents and students requiring information or assistance.  This includes the lunch hour.


A telephone is available for student use during non class times. During class times students need to be issued a telephone slip from their home room teacher. This is to be turned into the office before the telephone is used.

In the event of an emergency, messages will be accepted and delivered to the student. We would ask that parents refrain from requesting that non urgent messages be delivered to students during class time as this can disrupt the learning process.

Cell Phones

Students are not allowed to use cell phones in the school during school hours or while on the bus.

Inclement Weather Procedures

In the event of inclement weather an announcement regarding school closures or cancellations of buses will be made over the following radio stations: CFRY 93.1 FM, 920 AM, or MIX 96.5 FM.
If an announcement is made that buses are cancelled, this includes all buses both rural and city. The school will remain open for students to attend at their parents' discretion.

Early Bus Departure and Emergency Closing Procedure

In the event that weather conditions are such that buses are cancelled for the students' return home, the following procedures will be implemented:

  1. The school principals will be notified that the buses will not be running.
  2. A similar announcement will be made over radio station CFRY.
  3. The office staff will contact parents of bus students to inform them of the situation.  Parents will be expected to make arrangements for their child to be picked up at dismissal or for students to get to their billets.

Emergency Evacuation

In the event the school building is evacuated due to an emergency, students will be moved to École Arthur Meighen. Information and updates will be provided through the local radio station CFRY. (93.1 FM)

Extra Curricular Trips

In order to enhance the school program, extracurricular trips may take place to provide students with concrete learning experiences. Parents will be informed of these excursions well in advance. Trips will be paid for by the students.

Change of Residence

Parents are requested to notify the school in case of a change of address or telephone number.

Division Notice

Trustee By-Election for Ward 3

The Portage la Prairie School Division is in search of someone to fill a School Trustee position in Ward 3 via a by-election.

Nomination begins August 7, 2024 and election day is September 18, 2024.

Individuals interested in standing for Trustee can find further details regarding ward boundaries, geographical location, requirements, and the process at this link.

Ward 3 Trustee By-Election Information