Bullying Awareness Week
Posted on Nov 29 2023The grade 8 students have been running a campaign called "Not In Our School" this month to promote culture diversity, inclusion, and bullying prevention. They have been delivering this message during…
The grade 8 students have been running a campaign called "Not In Our School" this month to promote culture diversity, inclusion, and bullying prevention. They have been delivering this message during…
CVS Outdoors club on their hike today at Spruce Woods. They conquered the spirit sands and devils punch bowl. #sprucewoodsprovincialpark
Introducing our CVS Grade 4 to 8 Student Leadership team. They will be hard at work this year building our school culture through school wide initiatives and activities for our students. #GoCobras #LeadershipDevelopment
CVS staff supporting Big Brothers and Big Sisters with a Boston Pizza lunch. #makingadifference
Reminder to get your orders in November 18th. #itsforthekids
Our online store is now open. Visit The Screen Door Website to start shopping for your CVS merchandise! Here is the link: https://thescreendoor.ca/crescentview-school/
CVS remembers and thanks those who fought and continue to fight for our freedoms. #remembraceday
It's eyeball dissection day in Grade 8 Science! Awesome stuff! #optics #dissection
Reminder to set your clocks back 1 hour this weekend!
The Crescentview Cobras dodgeball team looks fierce. Happy Halloween from CVS!
Congratulations to Rowan and Camryn for being the top cross country runners in their respective categories. Thanks to all of our CVS cross country runners for representing our school and for a great season.…